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MUA professional 


The Background

My love for makeup goes back to when I was a little girl. The very first time I wore makeup was when I did ballet as a little girl and wore makeup for a performance. It made me feel like a real grown up, and that is one of the reasons why I love makeup. It can have the power to really put a smile on someone's face young or old. 


A trained holistic therapist and beauty therapist I know when it comes to creating the ideal look it all starts from the skin. If you look after your skin you will glow from the inside out and for longer, and when it comes to makeup that's what you really aim for. 


After training I worked on some well known beauty counters this allowed me to not only put into action what I trained for but I also got to makeup various faces of different ages, as well as knowing the different products and the benefits they bring. 


It was after COVID that I started my own business in wedding makeup combining my love for makeup and weddings into one. 

With the background in beauty I am able to advise on the best way to look after your skin leading up to your wedding day so your skin is looking it's best on the day.


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